Public Schools Unite Us!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
Across America, local school boards of education have become the frontlines of culture wars. Rather than promote the programs and policies our children need, several well-funded, anti-public-school forces are attempting to weaken public education by pitting teachers and parents against one another. These forces are attempting to do this by fueling controversies over issues that have little at all to do with what goes on in our classrooms every day.
Those who stoke divisiveness within our public schools are also seeking to defund public education. The ultimate goal of these forces is clear; weaken public schools and give more money and power to corporate interests who seek to privatize all schools for their financial benefit. If the corporate interests have their way, they will create schools with zero accountability to parents and get rid of the unions in schools that do so much to advocate for the needs of students, teachers and staff.
Here in our state of New York, there are several divisive, anti-educator, anti-public education candidates on ballots in school board elections. To push back, the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) has launched a “Public Schools Unite Us” campaign. The purpose of the campaign is to counter misinformation being spread about public schools and fight back against all anti-educator movements across our state.
As a show of solidarity with NYSUT’s “Pledge to Vote” campaign, please click the link here and make your pledge to vote yes for your local school budget and vote for pro-public education, and pro-union candidates for school board.


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